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Ergon Professional Hub
Ergon helps individuals with every aspect of their career. Whether they are entering the workplace, breaking into a new industry, or finding a new job, members of Ergon share resources to empower others to evolve, learn, and grow together professionally. Our mission is to provide a community where professionals gather to unlock the potential of their careers.
How We Can Help
The Ergon Professional Hub is a community of professionals working collaboratively to help each other with careers and skill development.
Ergon helps individuals with every aspect of their career. Whether it is entering the workplace, finding a new job, or breaking into a new industry, members of Ergon share resources empowering everyone to evolve, learn, and grow together professionally. Our mission is to provide a community where professionals gather to unlock the potentials of their careers. We are a group of many, for all.
Why Ergon? In today’s world, jobs are often fast changing and competitive. Understanding how to navigate the job market, develop new skills, or climb the career ladder can be bewildering and exhausting. Ergon bypasses these roadblocks by bringing together professionals, from various sectors at different stages of their career, for engaging, free-ranging, informal discussions to facilitate professional growth and build a meaningful work life. Informal professional relationships are invaluable: they offer the most direct path to professional guidance, advice, and support.

Skill Development
Seminars, group calls, and one-on-one guidance are offered to identify new areas for professional development and help build professional skills.

Coaching and Mentoring
For jobseekers to assess strengths, identify professional targets, prepare effective job applications, and prepare for job interviews.

A large network of professionals to exchange information on open job positions and help job seekers connect with employers.

About Us

"Life leaps like a geyser for those who drill through the rock of inertia."
Alexis Carrel

Become a Mentor
Ergon offers a personal coach volunteer for those who are seeking jobs. This can be a challenging time, with financial and familial pressures, the loss of previous employment, and worry for the future. Ergon mentors are available to accompany the job seeker throughout the employment process. The mentor will act as a case manager as well as a sounding board, seeking out resources from within and without Ergon for the mentee. While the responsibility for finding work remains with the mentee, the mentor will be available to encourage and help strategize the next steps.
I'm writing to say a huge thanks for Ergon's excellent resources. I recently accepted a job offer and I definitely credit my success to the support and encouragement provided through Ergon. The resume and interview prep I brought to this opportunity were far better than what I'd been working with prior to finding Ergon. It's hard to say which was more important - the excellent practical advice I received from the mentoring, webinars, and speed networking, or the encouragement and motivation I felt from knowing I had such support.
“Having people with you in the journey is amazing. I don’t have time to be down or pessimistic. So many people are out there watching out for me….
No one can do the job search for you. You have to have the desire, the motivation, and take action. But I feel so lucky, so grateful that I have a whole community to accompany me in my journey! It is very encouraging and empowering. You cannot get there alone.”
Talking to my mentee has forced me to see my own strengths and acknowledge the many positive steps I've taken in my career. I can often succumb to negative thinking in my work life, seeing only my limits. Instead, through my relationship with my mentee, I’ve been forced to recognize that I have valuable experience and expertise that is worth sharing and using to help coach someone else! Looking at myself in this way created a new tenderness for myself.
We love hearing back from you, so please share your feedback.
Ergon's newsletter, delivered to your inbox, highlights upcoming events, shares updates and success stories, and communicates job opportunities.